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Digging Deeper: Advancing First American Studies with Mechanized Archaeology

Presented by: Brian L. Fritz

  • Principal Archaeological Investigator
  • Quemahoning, LLC

About the lecture

Paleoindian sites with fluted points have been found in upland settings across North America, yet only a handful of stratified Paleoindian sites have been found and archaeologically investigated. Understanding the arrival and adaptations made by these First Americans requires the discovery and excavation of more stratified sites. The greatest potential for unearthing early sites lies within deep alluvial soils, but traditional excavation methods are often labor-intensive and prohibitively expensive. Mechanized archaeology, however, offers a promising approach to reducing these costs. This lecture will introduce the Paleo Digger, an innovative machine designed to revolutionize deep archaeological testing and advance the study of North America’s earliest inhabitants.

About the presenter

Brian L. Fritz is the Owner and Principal Archaeological Investigator for Quemahoning, LLC, a cultural resources consulting business specializing in geoarchaeology, soil geomorphology, and GIS solutions for complex archaeological projects. He holds a B.S. in geology and a B.A. in Anthropology from Clarion University of Pennsylvania and a M.S. in Geology from the University of Akron. He is a registered professional archaeologist (RPA) with twenty years of experience in conducting archaeological excavations. As the inventor of the PaleoDigger machine and founder of the ArchaeologyX YouTube Channel, he brings a unique blend of expertise and innovation to the field of First American studies.

Additional Information

Brian Fritz welcomes you to contact him with further questions:  [email protected]

Links shared during the presentation included the following:

Free For Everyone

Our virtual lectures are a part of our Outreach and Education efforts. They are free to our Members and the General Public.  Recorded lectures are posted on YouTube and on the event page after the event occurs.

For questions about the event or how to register, please contact Susan Bowdoin ([email protected]) or Sarah Webber ([email protected]).