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The Archaeological Conservancy was saddened to learn that former board member Dr. Jim Judge died December 1, 2024 in Durango, CO. This was two days after his 90th birthday.

Dr. Jim Judge at Chaco Canyon.

Dr. Jim Judge at Chaco Canyon.

Jim was an an extraordinary archaeologist. He was an expert on Chaco Canyon who spent most of his career with the National Park Service. After retirement he became a professor at Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO.

Fellow board members describe him as being a brilliant scholar, always curious and eager to discuss the latest developments in the archaeology.  He was also a fine human being, a bright person in all the best senses of that word.  He had a wonderful sense of humor and an engaging personality — funny, and fun to be around.  He was also a very humble person who saw the best in everyone around him. He will be greatly missed.

View the obituary for Dr. Judge.