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North CarolinaPreserves

Thayer Farm

Susan BowdoinSusan BowdoinDec 15, 2023
Photo of grassy field surrounded by green trees. Sky is filled with white and gray clouds.
PreservesWest Virginia

McGraw Farm

Susan BowdoinSusan BowdoinSep 1, 2021
Photo of an information placard installed in a green field. The placard reads "Welcome to Arlington Sites Preserve. Owned and Managed by the Archaeological Conservancy"


Susan BowdoinSusan BowdoinJun 1, 2021

Bull Brook II

Susan BowdoinSusan BowdoinJun 12, 2020

Ebbert Springs

Susan BowdoinSusan BowdoinJul 5, 2019
The early morning sun shines on the Esmond 2 site.
New YorkPreserves


Susan BowdoinSusan BowdoinSep 3, 2015
Inhabitants of the Buffalo site may have received 'weeping eye' shell collars such as this one from traders in Tennessee.
PreservesWest Virginia

Buffalo Site

Susan BowdoinSusan BowdoinApr 30, 2015
This longhouse was exposed during excavations directed by William Ritchie and Robert Funk in the 1960s.
New YorkPreserves


Susan BowdoinSusan BowdoinNov 27, 2014
Fort Necessity National Battlefield. Photo from National Park Service Digital Image Archives

Dunbar’s Camp

Susan BowdoinSusan BowdoinOct 16, 2014